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Parents, do you want your kids to learn better? With smarter screen time?

TimeoutIQ® helps you control your Kids' screen time. While they have fun learning at their own pace.

TimeoutIQ® will help your kids perform better at school (or homeschool).

With TimeoutIQ®, you will be able to -

  1. Know where they are at all times and make sure they are safe.
  2. Customize their educational curriculum by their age.
    TimeOutIQ provides a K-6 curriculum focused on Science, Math, Geography, English, Computer science, and Technology in a fun, interactive experience with over 10,000 puzzles, quizzes, and problems to solve… plus reward-based points, stars and badges to earn.
  3. Track their proficiency in each subject and their screen time in an easy-to-ready report dashboard.

Want to supervise your child's mobile activity?
Wish they'd spend more time on their school work?

TimeoutIQ® does both! If you have children in Kindergarten to Grade 8, TimeoutIQ® is specifically designed to help them do better in school and help their mental health in their most formative years.

Customized Education

Set the Grade level for your child anywhere from Kindergarten to Grade 6 (Ages 3 to 11). TimeoutIQ®'s quality curriculum is designed by educators to automatically display Math, Science, Geography and English quiz questions/challenges from a vast library that's growing every day.

Flexible Screentime Limits

Children are not the same and neither are their screen habits. You know your child best. If she's an avid reader and is using her device for high quality educational content, that's a great thing. Personalize her screen time and set daily limits or extend/reduce them. Easy, peasy!

Award Bonus Time

Is your child acing all the questions/challenges she's asked? Good for her. Must be getting her smarts from her parents!. Go ahead and award her with bonus screen time. Set the number of answers to get right and the amount of bonus time with the flick of your thumb.

Detailed Reporting

TimeOutIQ® allows you to monitor app usage and logs the amount of time, number of questions/challenges and number of right/wrong answers.

Do you know where your child is?

TimeOutIQ® gives you the option to turn on location tracking on your child's device. Also very handy if she loses her phone or forgets where she left it last .


Is your child too smart for her grade? TimeOutIQ® automatically increases the level of questions/challenges beyond the grade level that you set.

Customized Library of Educational content

Interactive educational content

Our library of content is designed based on the Common Core Elementary Schoool Curriculum and was compiled by teachers and education coaches.

Whatever the grade level, the questions and challenges are meant to make your child stop and think. The benefit of doing this is it distracts and interrupts your child's recreational screen time - stuff like games, videos, social media... and acts as a refresher to what they're studying at school.

This helps them get familiar (and a little more comfortable) with math and science and aids in getting better grades.

Helping to improve cognitive development

Limiting recreational screen time to less than two hours a day, and having sufficient sleep and physical activity is associated with improved cognition, compared with not meeting any recommendations, according to an observational study of more than 4,500 US children aged 8-11 years old published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health journal.

Taken individually, limited screen time and improved sleep were associated with the strongest links to improved cognition, while physical activity may be more important for physical health.

However, only one in 20 US children aged between 8-11 years meet the three recommendations advised by the Canadian 24-hour Movement Guidelines to ensure good cognitive development – 9-11 hours of sleep, less than two hours of recreational screen time, and at least an hour of physical activity every day.

Source: Neurosciencenews.com

Children's cognitive development

Select the plan that suits you.
Upgrade,downgrade anytime. Cancellation is easy.

Pricing is based on number of children and number of devices


For 1 child only

$1.99 Monthly/$ 14.99 Annual
  • 7-day Free Trial
  • For 1 additional child's device
  • Screen Time Management
  • Customizable Educational Library
  • Analytics & Reports
Chooose UNO for Android Chooose UNO for iOS


For 2 children

$6.99 Monthly/ $38.99 Annual
  • 7-day Free Trial
  • For 2 additional devices
  • Screen Time Management
  • Customizable Educational Library
  • Analytics & Reports
Chooose DUO for Android Chooose DUO for iOS


For up to 5 children

$8.99 Monthly/ $54.99 Annual
  • 7-day Free Trial
  • For up to 5 additional devices
  • Screen Time Management
  • Customizable Educational Library
  • Analytics & Reports
Chooose SUPER for Android Chooose SUPER for iOS

Need more info?

Contact us for more info about TimeoutIQ®. Remember you can download and use the fully functional app for free for 7 days.


Toronto, Canada

New Delhi, India

